Okay! this might not be poetry, cooking interests me a lot and probably, this explains my passion for organic synthesis. I have cooked Hyderabadi chicken biriyani for last one year and the recipe was given to me by my good friend Lateef. Here it is:
1. 1 Kg Chicken cut in cubes (if you use drumstick, make small cuts on the muscle and add meat tenderizer)
2. Cut onion straight and long and fry it in oil until color becomes golden. Add the fried onion on top of cut chicken
3. Add Banne nawab hyderabadi biriyani masala to (2)
4. Add 4 table spoon yogurt just enough to make layer on chicken to (2)
5. Add one lemon juice to (2)
6. Add 2 green chili cut long, add cilantro leaves (2)
7. Add oil (6-10 table spoon, more oil tastes better and chicken will not stick to the utensil) to (2)
8. Mix everything thoroughly with chicken and marinade for one hour in refridgerator (4 degree C) in a 5 L pressure cooker
9. Soak basmati rice (6cups) soak in water for 1.5 to 2 hours
10. Take a container and boil water with 1.5 table spoon salt when boiled, add soaked rice into boiled water for half to 70% cooked, (important: must be less than 8 min or ~70% done)
11. Filter the rice immediately making sure that there is no water at all
12. Take chicken out of refridgerator and add ~20 mint leaves (pudina leaves) on top of mirinaded chicken
12. Add rice on top of marinaded chicken and level it off
13. Mix color with milk on top of rice
14. Cap the top of pressure cooker with aluminum foil followed by a heavy tray on top of foil making sure that no vapor escapes from pressure cooker
15. heat the pressure cooker 15-20 min medium, 30 min slow heat
16. Check if chicken is done by using a long fork
17. Mix everything together making sure that rice don’t get broken
1. 1 Kg Chicken cut in cubes (if you use drumstick, make small cuts on the muscle and add meat tenderizer)
2. Cut onion straight and long and fry it in oil until color becomes golden. Add the fried onion on top of cut chicken
3. Add Banne nawab hyderabadi biriyani masala to (2)
4. Add 4 table spoon yogurt just enough to make layer on chicken to (2)
5. Add one lemon juice to (2)
6. Add 2 green chili cut long, add cilantro leaves (2)
7. Add oil (6-10 table spoon, more oil tastes better and chicken will not stick to the utensil) to (2)
8. Mix everything thoroughly with chicken and marinade for one hour in refridgerator (4 degree C) in a 5 L pressure cooker
9. Soak basmati rice (6cups) soak in water for 1.5 to 2 hours
10. Take a container and boil water with 1.5 table spoon salt when boiled, add soaked rice into boiled water for half to 70% cooked, (important: must be less than 8 min or ~70% done)
11. Filter the rice immediately making sure that there is no water at all
12. Take chicken out of refridgerator and add ~20 mint leaves (pudina leaves) on top of mirinaded chicken
12. Add rice on top of marinaded chicken and level it off
13. Mix color with milk on top of rice
14. Cap the top of pressure cooker with aluminum foil followed by a heavy tray on top of foil making sure that no vapor escapes from pressure cooker
15. heat the pressure cooker 15-20 min medium, 30 min slow heat
16. Check if chicken is done by using a long fork
17. Mix everything together making sure that rice don’t get broken