Over the years, my PhD boss, Stefan Bossmann is the master of funny and smart one liners which struck me. I have compiled some of the one liners and call them 'Bossmannerism'. The list will swell as I spend more time with him.
1. Be polite but persistent with others to get things done.
2. 'Bombard’ me with your results.
3. Who was the third man on moon? See, nobody cares about the third achievers.
4. Be yourself if you want to win the interview or win the lady on a date.
5. Go to the most crowded dance floor to increase your chance of interaction.
6. I looked into your eyes, so, I didn’t notice your hair! (to his wife, Katrin)
7. The difference between a successful and a mediocre Professor is that a successful Professor is good at faking his interest in his student's day-to-day concerns.
8. How to handle acrimonious committee members in a meeting? Never enter into an argument at the first half an hour. Let the members disagree and argue among themselves, just watch them draining their energy. Then, you start to talk. Psychologically they tend to listen to you and biologically, they are already at the bottom of their energy level.